Pour les gays qui aiment le charme, ceux qui aiment le Q, et ceux qui aiment les deux!
For gays who love the charm, those who love sex, and those who love both!
samedi 19 avril 2008
Excellent petit trio!
3 commentaires:
a dit…
hi, finally, after some struggles with my internet browser (i switched to safari because mozilla didn't work) i'm enjoying once again your wonderful blog one comment though, if it's possible, you should democratize the access to mozilla users because, according to the comments, lots of them don't have access to your blog but i enjoyed it very much and keep doing such a good job kisses
Hello! Fine you join the blog again! I haven't control on Firefox or IE or safari access for the blog. I did modify nothing...Mystery! I go to ask for informations...Thanks for the message! Kisses.
3 commentaires:
finally, after some struggles with my internet browser (i switched to safari because mozilla didn't work) i'm enjoying once again your wonderful blog
one comment though, if it's possible, you should democratize the access to mozilla users because, according to the comments, lots of them don't have access to your blog
but i enjoyed it very much and keep doing such a good job
Hello! Fine you join the blog again! I haven't control on Firefox or IE or safari access for the blog. I did modify nothing...Mystery! I go to ask for informations...Thanks for the message! Kisses.
Un joli trio de minets ...des jeunes étalons ;)
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